Bently Nevada
Case Sensors
Velocity Sensors and Accelerometers, or “Case Sensors” deploy signal processing circuitry for output signals using velocity rather than acceleration. Bently Nevada’s line of accelerometers, velometers, and other acceleration and velocity sensing tools each work to keep your machinery in its best condition. Both the Velocity Sensors and Accelerometers can handle extreme heat. The velocity sensor is also self powered, radiation-resistant and flexible to suit your plant. The Acceleration sensor was designed to protect from electrical hazards and offers portable data collectors.
The Benefits
Product Features
- Withstands Extreme temperatures
- Both Flexible and Reliable
- Radiation Resistant
- Sense Low-Frequencies
- Fully Compatible with Portable Data Collectors
- Monitors Gear-mesh frequencies
- isolates electricity
Compatible Hardware
- 3500 Overspeed
- Scout 100 and 200 series
- vbOnline Pro
- Trendmaster
- Distributed Production
Compatible Services
- System Maintenance and availability
- Design, Installation and Commissioning
- Site Project Management
Compatible Software
- System 1 Conditioning and Monitoring Software