Ranger Pro Update

Ranger Pro

Welcome to the new quarterly Reliability Controls newsletter, highlighting key updates and news on the products that we support.   Reliability Controls is a platinum partner with Bently Nevada and offers the full range of hardware, software and service solutions.

About the Ranger Pro

The Ranger Pro wireless product has been in the market for over 6 years with over 28,000 sensors installed and rapidly expanding.  Ranger Pro is built off of industrial seal healing mesh networks (ISA 100 and wHART) that provide a secure, efficient and consistent solution in monitoring plant-wide assets such as pumps, motors and fans to name a few.  The Ranger Pro is an intrinsically safe (Class 1, Division 1) triaxial vibration sensor with casing temperature that provides 7 measurements when samples are taken (XYZ Accel, XYZ Velocity and casing temperature, magnetic flux capability coming soon) with up to 5 years of battery life depending on sampling frequency.   With PeakDemod, the Ranger Pro sensor is perfectly equipped to detect early-stage defects to provide a true condition monitoring approach on your assets.

New Enhancements

  • Tethered solution to accommodate higher temperature (up to 257F) applications and/or place the battery in a more accessible location, such as cooling towers.
  • New Bently Nevada ISA 100 gateway released to provide an economical solution for installations up to 50 sensors.
  • Data on demand – request a sample through System 1
  • Wake on alarm – configurable to walk on alarm setpoints to capture readings out of a normal scheduled interval
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